Words of Life

By Yolandie Mostert, 29 March 2020.


Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it and indulge it will eat its fruit and bear the consequences of their words. (Prov 18:21 AMP) 


We all know this scripture so well; we can quote it by heart. But do we actually DO it? Do we truly understand how powerful our words are?

When we speak words of life, truth and light, it has an immediate effect on the physical and spiritual realm around us. The same happens when we speak words of fear, worry and negativity.

Fear is like fuel to the kingdom of darkness. The more fear, the more power it has to succeed in evil plans.

Speaking words of LIFE, is one of the most effective strategies in spiritual warfare. It is easy and it is powerful. All of God’s children can and should do it.

Words of LIFE weakens the kingdom of darkness.

To just mention a few, it has the power to:

  • restore peace and order (inner and outer)
  • bring physical healing
  • set things in place for our physical and spiritual protection
  • break strongholds of fear

God has made it so easy for us. We don’t even have to come up with our own words of life. We can just quote Scripture.

You will not find words more powerful than Scripture.

Memorise, memorise, memorise. I cannot emphasise this enough. We need to have Scripture ready on the tip of our tongue in a moments notice. You can never ever repeat Scripture too many times.

If you haven’t started to memorise yet, make a list of a few Scriptures and start to proclaim them. Proclaim Words of Life over your spiritual well-being, your health, your family’s well-being, your co-workers and your suburb. Proclaim Words of Life over your marriage, your finances, your vehicles and your possessions. Ask the Lord to multiply your food supplies like the oil in the days of Elijah. Ask the Lord to prolong the life of your possessions like the Israelites’ shoes that did not perish. Proclaim LIFE, TRUTH and LIGHT into all aspects of your life.


I’ve compiled a ‘40-Scriptures-Proclamation-sheet’. You are welcome to download it, print it and use it. It is free. Click on the links below for either Afrikaans or for English.


I bless you with Psalm 121:

“If I raise my eyes to the hills, from where will my help come? My help comes from Adonai, the maker of heaven and earth.” (Ps 121:1-2 CJB) 


Woorde van Lewe – 40 skrifte

Words of Life – 40 Scriptures

