The Most Beautiful Song by Solomon. (Son 1:1 ISV)
We read in 1 Kings 4:32 that Solomon wrote 1 005 songs. Only one of these songs were included in the Bible and that is the book, Song of Songs. This song was the ultimate song written.
Why? What makes this song so special? For centuries people have tried to comprehend the symbolism in this song. Some made it out to be a poem between two lovers and others cited from it to explain the love between a man and a woman.
For some religious people it has been so strange that they prohibited people to read this book, even though it forms part of the Bible. I can just hear them asking why it had to be included in Scripture.
Even though the full message of the book has been veiled for many years, there are always those that diligently seek for truth. The Word promises us that if we seek, we will find. Watchman Nee was one of those seekers. I have found great inspiration in his book, Song of Songs, a divine romance between man and God.
My husband said the other day (and now I’m borrowing his quote all the time): Song of Songs is the only book in the Bible that holds the full roadmap to lead us into an intimate relationship with Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
It’s a very strong statement to make and can get people really worked up. How can we dare say that it’s the ONLY book with the full roadmap? But once you get to know the symbolism, stages, mileposts and keys in Song of Songs, you will see how it links to the principles, teachings and lessons taught in every other Bible book.
The Lord has called Louis and I to teach the message of Song of Songs to His people. Because by teaching Song of Songs, we are teaching people how to ABIDE IN HIM, which is the key to a loving, personal and intimate relationship with the King of Kings.
Father, through only Your Spirit, take us deeper into your heart, by getting to really know Your Son, Jesus Christ. Amen