By Yolandie Mostert (2 April 2023)
We are currently living in the time of the closing of the current age. It is crucial, now more than ever, to really get to know and to learn to love all the facets of our Bridegroom. To truly know Him fastens our identity and authority. It also keeps us grounded.
Another important reason, one not discussed often, is that we will not take offense at Him. Our first reaction will be that of the disciples: “Lord, I will never take offense at You”. Still, we frequently hear things like: “The Lord will punish you”, “How can a God of love allow this?” or “The Lord will never allow this to happen”. All these sayings are based on peoples own perception of how God is.
Taking offense
For some people He is dear Jesus of the Children’s Bible with the lambs and children on His lap. For others He is just waiting for a mistake to punish. Over time people have formed a picture of who they believe God is. I’m going to make a strong statement: many people are worshipping the image of God they have formed instead of God Himself.
Let’s say that someone has a very strict image of the Father and gets deeply hurt by another person. In this person’s hurt and anger He wants God to punish the wrongdoer. But then the Lord doesn’t punish the person. Instead, the Lord shows mercy on the offender. Then people get angry at God. The root of this anger is because God did not act within the framework of man’s expectation.
Another example is of someone that believes that God is only mercy and love and that He has somehow changed between the Old and New Testament. Such a person takes serious offense at the mention of curses, truth and righteousness. “A God of love will never do this or that”. I’m recalling a recent experience. For this person it was impossible that God will be the One sending a strong delusion on people that repeatedly reject the truth. They believe that everything that is inconvenient for man must come from the devil and only whatever is blessing and great can come from the Father. The problem is that it only includes humanistic ideas of blessing. Their image of how God is supposed to react doesn’t include the sending of delusions.
All these are examples of people that haven’t yet learned to love the fullness of the Lord’s character and being. They only understand the aspects that fits with their own personalities and framework of how a God is supposed to be.
And blessed is he who does not take offense at Me (Matt 11:6)
So many facets
There are just so many facets to the Lord’s character that we will never be able to discover everything about Him. Still, He reveals so much of who He is through the Scriptures. He is always faithful to His whole character. He is love, but He is also judgement. He is merciful, but He is also righteous.
We need to fall in love with each of the facets of His character, lest we take offence at Him when He looks different or acts in a different way than what we expect. He doesn’t warn us for nothing.
The next few messages will deal with the facets of the Bridegroom from the book Song of Songs. It’s hidden in rich symbolism and I want to open it with the keys that I have received from the Holy Spirit up until this point. Remember, there are always deeper revelation that awaits those who seek diligently.
Godly revelation is needed
It’s the will of God to reveal Himself to us. But there are two requirements: love and obedience.
He who has My commandments and keeps them, it is he who loves Me. And he who loves Me will be loved by My Father, and I will love him and manifest Myself to him. (Joh 14:21)
All things have been delivered to Me by My Father, and no one knows who the Son is except the Father, and who the Father is except the Son, and the one to whom the Son wills to reveal Him. (Luk 10:22 )
We will never be able to discover the deepest essence of the Bridegroom without Godly revelation. And the Lord will not reveal Himself to those that does not walk in radical love and obedience. To the measure that we listen and do and to the measure that we love the Father, Son and Spirit as well as our neighbours, to that measure will we receive revelations of who the Son is.
In my previous messages, I have shared quite a lot about our prideful nature. Pride is the enemy that you will find everywhere. Just like pride blocks a deeper relationship with the Lord, it prevents deeper revelation of the full character of God.
The first part of this Scripture in Isaiah 57:15 always speaks to my heart:
For thus says the High and Lofty One Who inhabits eternity, whose name is Holy: “I dwell in the high and holy place, With him who has a contrite and humble spirit.
Eternity is not big enough to contain our holy, wonderful, glorious God. Yet, He that lives on high and holy places, choose to dwell with those that are humble.
To listen to the introduction, as well as the Word I’ve received by the Holy Spirit concerning this series, please click here.
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