To have firm foundation

19 January 2020    (by Yolandie Mostert)

We are still studying the causes for a spiritual blocked nose. (Click here if you haven’t read it yet)

The first reason listed was a lack of the knowledge of the Word of God. It was listed first for a very good reason. To have a decent, balanced and well-rounded knowledge of the whole Bible is vital.

I often hear that people only read the New Testament because we are not under the law anymore. This kind of reasoning is dangerous and, might I add, foolish. Let’s see what Paul said about the Old Testament. This verse was written while the New Testament was still in the making:

All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work. (2 Tim 3:16-17)


Everything in the New Testament is built on the shadows and types of the Old Testament.

We will never be able to fully understand the principles, promises and instructions in the New if we don’t have a solid understanding of the Old.

We have to know the stories, understand the characters and discover the lessons.


Jesus answered and said to them, “You are mistaken, not knowing the Scriptures nor the power of God. (Mat 22:29) 

This verse tells us that we need to know the Scriptures AND to have first-hand knowledge of the power of God. If we miss either one of them, we are out of balance and in danger of deception.


I’ve once heard that each Bible verse contains seven layers of different revelations. I believe it and think that it might be even more. The more we study a specific event or Bible book and pray into it, the more the Holy Spirit will give us deeper insight.

There are also certain basic principles that we have to understand. Let’s call it our foundational knowledge:

  • God created a triune man (spirit, soul and body). Make sure that you understand the differences and functions of each one of them. It’s vital to appreciate our own makeup.
  • Old Covenant and New Covenant. When we understand these concepts, we will not be easily deceived. (For me personally, it was life changing and liberating)
  • What happens at re-birth and baptism.
  • True baptism of the Holy Spirit and how the enemy is perverting it. Critical to know this.
  • The need for repentance is key to inner healing and deliverance. I’m not talking about ritualistic confession of sin, but heartfelt repentance together with a 180° turn from sin.
  • Christians also need deliverance from strongholds that the enemy has built within them. If we don’t deal with them soonest, they will defile our gifts and spiritual abilities. This is one of the main reasons why there are so much deception going on.
  • Our DNA needs to be redeemed. Jesus paid the price with his Blood, but we have the responsibility to apply the Blood.


How do we get solid knowledge of the Word?

* Read your Bible from front to back

I know this sounds very laborious to some people, but it’s powerful. If reading is not your thing, pray about it and ask God to put the desire, discipline and love in your heart. Buy an audio-Bible and listed to it in your car, while cooking and even while sleeping. Saturate yourself with Scripture. A day must not pass without you listening or reading Scripture (not just one verse).

* Memorise Scripture

Most of us lack here. The more we read Scripture, the more it will get filed in our subconscious for later use. On top of storing it subconsciously, we also have to store it deliberately. We do this by reading, pondering and memorising verses or paragraphs.

* Pray that the Spirit will make the Word alive in you.

Let’s guard against having a hard heart. It happens when we only know the rules and laws, but does not allow the Holy Spirit to awaken the law of the Spirit of life to us. In other words, we don’t have knowledge and experience of the power of God. We have a brain full of knowledge with an empty heart.

The two goes hand in hand: knowledge of Scripture and Truth together with Life that only the Spirit can give us.


They were very willing to receive the message, and every day they carefully examined the Scriptures to see if those things were so. (Act 17:11)


Good reads and references:

For an excellent teaching on the Old Covenant, New Covenant and Baptism, I’m referring you to Eben Swart (Trumpet Call ministries). The teaching is called: ‘Ware Wortels’. I’m not sure if it’s also available in English.

Ignited in Christ has a great teaching on why Christians needs healing and deliverance. A very important teaching is: “Wash your spiritual DNA in the Blood of the Lamb”.

Watchman Nee wrote a thick book on the spirit, soul and body of man. If the book is too much for you to handle (he has a very difficult writing style), get the teaching from Ignited in Christ. It’s much shorter and easier to understand.

You can also not go wrong with the teachings and books of Derek Prince. He died a few years ago, but his books are still available. There is also a distribution shop in South Africa from which you can order directly. A good book is Protection from deception. He also has a good online Bible study if you don’t know where to start.
