The Play

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Solomon has written the beautiful book, Song of Songs, so many years ago. Without even realising it, the Holy Spirit inspired him to weave deep and beautiful truths into the story. How could he have known that the Bridegroom King was busy writing a love letter in a hidden coded language to His pure and holy bride?

The phases, growth and practical application have never cease to amaze me. After five years of in-depth study and teaching from Song of Songs, there are still so many undiscovered hidden treasures. The more we search prayerfully, the more truths will be revealed to us.


While I was busy preparing for our first one-day seminar, I realised the impossiblity of the task ahead of me. There was just too much information to fit into one day. Even when I present a weekend-long conference, I don’t manage to fit all the truths and beauty of Song of Songs into the programme. I prayed for leading and wisdom: what must be included and what can be excluded? How can I tell the story of Song of Songs and provide a foundation that anyone can build upon?

The Holy Spirit then reminded me that Solomon wrote the book as a play and I must tell the story as if I attended the play and now sits infront of a friend with a cup of coffee, telling him or her everything that I’ve seen and experienced.


There is a stage in every concert or play. The stage is decorated according to the story. As soon as the curtain is drawn, the well planned décor can be seen and the viewers are transported into the story.

Every play consist of dialogue between characters. Sometimes we can hear voices of unseen characters that also play an integral role in the story. When the stage are a bit more technologically advanced, the décor on the stage can be moved to make space for new scenes.

It is very exciting to view Song of Songs from this point of view and it also makes it easier to explain the book to readers that are new to the content.


In this book, I’m going to sketch the background, décor and atmosphere of the scene before jumping into the message and meaning of the verse.


It will be good if you can close your eyes for a little while to really see and feel the scene before continuing to the discussion. Allow the Holy Spirit to show you the pieces of décor applicable to your life.


Because the language of Song of Songs is very symbolic, many of the discussions in this book will also be of an alegorical nature. Whenever the Holy Spirit leads my writing, the most beautiful poetic language, comparisons and descriptive words flow. The language is soft, flowing and colourful.

Initially I wondered about the amount of comparisons in this book. Wouldn’t it be easier to just state a matter in a short and straightforward manner? I consulted the Holy Spirit about it and He then reminded me of all the symbolic language all throughout the Bible. The writings of the prophets were many times accompanied by vivid analogy. Also, many of the words of Jesus was in the form of parables. Up until the end of Revelation, we can see how words that paint pictures pleases the Father.

My heart is overflowing with a good theme; I recite my composition concerning the King; My tongue is the pen of a ready writer. (Ps 45:2a) 


May the sketching of the Song of Songs play break the truths in the book open in a new and fresh way. All for the glory of His Name.
