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Your anointing oils have a wonderful fragrance; your name is like anointing oil poured out. This is why young women love you (Songs 1:3 CJB)
There are three sections in this verse to examine. Firstly we find a reference to the loveliness of the anointing of the Bridegroom. Then we find a connection between the poured-out anointing and His Name. And lastly, we see the result of the first two events: love follows.
The Hebrew word for ointment or oil is shemen and it refers to a liquid oil, for example olive oil. Some more descriptions of this perfumed oil are anointing, fruitfulness and richness.
There is an ointment available at the Bridegroom in the form of a perfumed, liquid oil. It smells wonderful and He is the only source. This is not just normal oil; it contains the fullness of the anointing of our High Priest according to the order of Melchizedek.
… He became the author of eternal salvation to all who obey Him, called by God as High Priest “according to the order of Melchizedek (Heb 5:9b-10)
Many times I find myself wishing that the writer of Hebrews elaborated more about this priestly order. He said in verse 11 that there’s much more to say, but it’s difficult to explain. May the Holy Spirit give us deeper revelation.
Our only way to salvation is through the Son of God. Our salvation is in His Name, regardless of the language that we use to cry out to Him. When we call from the depth in our spirit, we connect to the depth in Him. It’s not about sound, consonants and letters which is earthly. Language is just a way we use to express ourselves in order to be understood. It’s really pointless to reason which pronunciation or spelling of His Name is the correct one, when it’s actually spirit that communicates with spirit.
Because of the obedience that Jesus learned through is sufferings (Heb 5:8), the Father anointed Him as the only worthy high priest, the only One allowed to make atonement. Jesus gave us the pattern. Firstly obedience, a surrendered will, and then pouring out of the anointing oil. This inimitable oil will then release the lovely aroma in the spirit.
When we use His Name, the same ointment or oil gets poured out. Picture a ram’s horn filled with oil, similar to the one that Samuel used to anoint David. The Name of our King contains liquid anointing.
As I’ve already mentioned, it’s not about the sound and letters, but it’s about the authority and character that are captured in His essence – His Name. The Hebrew word used for name is shêm and it refers to the honour, position, authority and character of a person.
The anointing doesn’t flow more or less when we call upon Jesus, Yeshua or Yahushua. The anointing flows from His being, His character and His position of authority. Man tries to limit the anointed High Priest into a box of correct sounds, even though the universe cannot contain Him. He is so wonderful and lovely that it pleased the Father that in Him all the fullness should dwell (Col 1:19).
And it shall come about that whoever calls on the name of the Lord will be saved (Joel 2:32)
The same word, shêm, is also used in this verse. Whenever we call upon His Name, regardless of the spelling, the fullness of His total character and essence becomes available.
For in Him dwells all the fullness of the Godhead bodily; and you are complete in Him, who is the head of all principality and power. (Col 2:9-10)
We also find the word shemen in this next verse in Isaiah.
And the yoke will be destroyed because of the anointing oil. (Isa 10:27 NKJV)
The only thing that can truly destroy yokes is the richness of the anointing found in Jesus. People are set free from the yokes of religion and other bondages in the presence of true anointing. It’s spirit and power, not flesh and words.
The fullness and richness of the fragrance draw the maidens closer.
Who are the maidens? They are not the bride (the girl in Song of Songs). They are also not the daughters, the born-again ecclesia. They are those that are yet to come to the cross. Referring to the image of the palace, they are those that are found in the street. They have not yet entered the front garden of the palace. You can also use the word unsaved for them. One of the problems in our western world and Christian countries is that people are being taught in Calvinistic theology that people can be included because of the faith of their parents. For this reason many people don’t see the need to be reborn. As a result, they stay in the street and never discover the garden and palace. They are caught in a system of religious lies.
Jesus answered and said to him, “Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.” (Joh 3:3)
In the chapter on the connection between Song of Songs and Revelation, I explain that Revelation is not just describing events at the end of the age. It’s also a revelation of the Lamb of God. This revelation is slowly unfolding before the eyes of those that were able to break out of religion in order to walk in a relationship with Him. We are now living in the last hour – the time period of the revelation of the fullness of who Jesus Christ is.
The fullness and richness encapsulated in His character, fills one with adoration and worship. The fragrance of the oil doesn’t only affect the maidens. Once upon a time the girl in Song of Songs, the bride, was also just a maiden. She was able to take the step into the garden and from there she progressed into the palace. The same lovely fragrance also drew her closer.
The more we are being overwhelmed and saturated by the Son of God, the more we can partake in this lovely anointing oil. His fragrance transfers onto us, enabling us to draw maidens to Him.
But thanks be to God, who always leads us in triumph in Christ, and through us spreads and makes evident everywhere the sweet fragrance of the knowledge of Him. (2 Cor 2:14 AMP)
What type of knowledge must we spread? Not theoretical knowledge, reasoning and debates. No, first-hand knowledge of Jesus Christ. There we will find the power of the anointing.
In His character, essence and authority.
This is an extract from the book: Deep treasures in Song of Songs by Yolandie Mostert.