Die Nasireër Bruid

Terwyl ek in die afgelope week so in my gedagtes biddend bly, kom hierdie twee woorde so duidelik by my op: “Nasireër bruid”. Net om die woorde te hoor, het reeds in my gees geroer en ek het geweet dat die Heilige Gees ‘n diep waarheid aan my wil openbaar. Ek het begin oplees oor […]

Die Gawes van die Heilige Gees

Click here to read in English Ons lees in 1 Kor 12:1 dat dit belangrik is vir ons om insig te hê in die geestelike gawes, met ander woorde, wat is die gawes, hoe werk hulle en wat is hulle doel. Hierdie is ‘n oorsigtelike bespreking van die verskillende gawes met voorbeelde en praktiese toepassing. […]

The Gifts of the Holy Spirit

Click here to read in Afrikaans We read in 1 Cor 12:1 that we must not be ignorant when it comes to the spiritual gifts. We need to know what the gifts are, how they work and towards what purpose. This is a high-level discussion of the different gifts with examples and their practical application. […]

Om regtig te vergewe

Die Here het my hierdie week besig gehou met die storie van Filemon en Onesimus. Dis die jaar 62AD. Keiser Nero, met sy diep haat vir Christene, was aan bewind. Dit was ‘n tydperk van wrede vervolging. Paulus was in gevangenskap in Rome en vanuit hierdie plek ywer hy steeds om die blye boodskap te […]

To truly forgive

Click here if you want to read the post in Afrikaans This week the Lord has kept me busy with the story of Philemon and Onesimus. It’s the year 62AD. Caesar Nero, with his deep hatred for Christians, was emperor of Rome. It was a time of severe persecution. Paul was in captivity in Rome […]

The Feasts of YHVH

Today I want to share my understanding regarding the Feasts of the Lord. My journey to truth has been a long one, but also very short. Let me explain. When I first got introduced to the Feasts of the Lord and learnt that it’s still very applicable in the lives of believers, I immediately was […]

Substance (in Afrikaans)

16 Junie 2020 By Yolandie Mostert (This blog is written in Afrikaans) Die winter is hier – skielik en in volle swang. Hierdie week het ons iets gedoen wat my winter-hoogtepunt is – vuurmaak in die kaggel. Met ‘n lekker beker koffie in die hand, ‘n kniekombersie, my laptop en ‘n hele hoop hout – […]

True prophets can get it wrong

By Yolandie Mostert, 19 April   A bit of a controversial subject…  Let’s be brave and explore.   We know that David had a sincere and a pure heart before God. David was contemplating to build a temple for God. His motive was pure and his intention was virtuous. I mean, how can you go […]

Words of Life

By Yolandie Mostert, 29 March 2020.   Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it and indulge it will eat its fruit and bear the consequences of their words. (Prov 18:21 AMP)    We all know this scripture so well; we can quote it by heart. But do […]

Under the Apple Tree

By Yolandie Mostert on 15 March 2020   Song of Songs is such a practical book.  We can truly apply its lessons and principles in our daily lives.  These past 2 weeks I’ve been totally overwhelmed by everything that must be done.  I’ve longed to spend more time with God and could feel my reserves […]
