By Yolandie Mostert, 7 April 2023 My beloved is [dazzling] white (Songs 5:10) Light and holiness are the themes of the next portion of the testimony of the girl in Song of Songs. She represents the bride of Christ. The word dazzling represents the Light and white speaks of His holiness. Two topics […]
Yolandie Mostert (3 April 2023) We are still studying Song of Songs chapter 5 verses 8 to 16. Today’s message comes from the first part of verse 10, in fact only the first two words. It is crucial that you will first listen to the previous messages in this series otherwise today’s message and what […]
By Yolandie Mostert (2 April 2023) This message is the second in a series about the revelation of the King from a passage in Song of Songs chapter 5. In each message I will be discussing a facet or characteristic of the King. Before we start with the individual characteristics, we first need context of […]
By Yolandie Mostert (2 April 2023) We are currently living in the time of the closing of the current age. It is crucial, now more than ever, to really get to know and to learn to love all the facets of our Bridegroom. To truly know Him fastens our identity and authority. It also […]
Word by the Holy Spirit, 25 March 2023 “As the darkest part of the night is fast approaching, there are so many of My people that haven’t even noticed the dusk that passed. The night watch has started. The watchmen on the walls are calling out warnings, but my people are not paying attention. Everyone […]