Die Gawes van die Heilige Gees

Click here to read in English Ons lees in 1 Kor 12:1 dat dit belangrik is vir ons om insig te hê in die geestelike gawes, met ander woorde, wat is die gawes, hoe werk hulle en wat is hulle doel. Hierdie is ‘n oorsigtelike bespreking van die verskillende gawes met voorbeelde en praktiese toepassing. […]

The Gifts of the Holy Spirit

Click here to read in Afrikaans We read in 1 Cor 12:1 that we must not be ignorant when it comes to the spiritual gifts. We need to know what the gifts are, how they work and towards what purpose. This is a high-level discussion of the different gifts with examples and their practical application. […]
