Although I’m trying to keep my art affordable, original oil paintings can be a bit pricy for some people. I understand that. Therefore, most of my paintings are also available in very good quality canvas prints. The prints are blocked (25mm deep) and re-enforced with hardboard with coloured sides.
Father, I bring my whole being to You. I have nothing to offer. I cannot stand on my own good works. I only have the Blood of Lamb.
I want to be pure. I want to be clean. Sanctified and holy unto You. I want to know You. I want to be called a friend of God. I want to walk with You.
Father, here I am. Just as I am.
My emotions are like a closed pomegranate. The treasure is within, but my own pride is locking it in. Please grant me the grace to break through the scales of pride. Let Your wind blow through me. I desire a life with You. A life hidden in You. A life behind the veil.
Father, I’m praying for transparent emotions. I’m asking to be like a pomegranate, broken open before You. I know it’s coming at a price. I know that it hurts. I know that my wounds and hurts must come to the Light in order to get healed.
Father please, will You will in me.
Father, I bring myself to You. Everything I am and everything I have. I bring it like a closed pomegranate and I ask: please change me.
Vader, ek bring my alles vandag voor U. Ek het niks om uit myself te bied nie. Ek kan nie op my eie goeie werke staan nie. Al wat ek het, is die Bloed van die Lam.
Ek wil rein wees. Ek wil skoon wees. Afgesonderd en heilig vir U. Ek wil U ken. Ek wil ‘n vriend van God genoem word. Ek wil saam met U wandel.
Vader, hier is ek. Net soos ek is.
My emosies is soos ‘n toe granaat. Die skat is binne, maar my trots hou dit toe. Gee my genade om deur die skubbe van trots te breek. Waai U wind deur my. Ek begeer ‘n lewe saam met U. Verborge in U. ‘n Lewe agter die sluier.
Vader, ek vra vir deursigte emosies. Ek vra om soos ‘n oopgebreekte granaat voor U te wees. Ek weet dit kos ‘n prys. Ek weet dit maak seer. Ek weet my wonde en seer moet aan die Lig kom om te genees.
Vader, sal U wil in my om te wil.
Vader, ek bring myself. Al wat ek is en al wat ek het soos ‘n toe granaat voor U. Verander my.