Let us see whether the vine has budded and its blossoms have opened, and whether the pomegranates have flowered. There I will give you my love. (Songs 7:12)
When we get born-again, we can be compared to a closed pomegranate. We have a wonderful treasure within – the Spirit of the Living God. As we start on our jouney to lay down our lives and to allow the Holy Spirit to transform us into the likeness and maturity of Christ, the pomegranate start to break open.
The more transparent and sanctified we become, we more the layers of pips are revealed and the treasure within can shine forth to transform those around us.
In chapter seven, she is no longer afraid of new callings and assignments, but she invites the King to join her to find fruitfulness. Her focus have moved from herself to others. As she has already burst forth in fruitfulness, her desire is to find the same in others. We all have to come to the fullness of Christ.
till we all come to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a perfect man, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ (Eph 4:13)