Yolandie Mostert (3 April 2023)
We are still studying Song of Songs chapter 5 verses 8 to 16. Today’s message comes from the first part of verse 10, in fact only the first two words. It is crucial that you will first listen to the previous messages in this series otherwise today’s message and what will follow will not make sense at all. Links to the previous messages can be found at the end of this message.
To safe time, I’m not going to repeat the context. She is answering the daughters of Jerusalem’s question. The answer starts in verse 10.
She starts her testimony with: “My beloved…”. Only two words, but so much depth.
First and foremost He is her beloved. He is not someone very far. She knows Him personally. She is not only a Christian because that’s the way that she was raised. Or that she can tick the faith block on a questionnaire. She doesn’t belong to the Christian faith or to such and such a church or denomination. No, she belongs to Him and He belongs to her. This is a certainty and the starting point of her testimony. It’s personal.
Her testimony is not a bunch of theory. It’s not something that she has heard or read in a book. She tells of her first-hand experience of who He is. She knows Him as her first love. He is her everything and her whole life belongs to Him.
The Hebrew word for beloved is dôd and comes from a root word which means to boil. The word itself means friend, lover and beloved. This is who Jesus Christ is for her. He is her beloved.
She adores Him with her whole being and she wants to bubble over so that everyone can know how amazing He is.
A girl with a wonderful beloved feels safe. This is how the girl in Song of Songs feels with her Beloved. She can just lean back into His arms and know that He loves her.
For a lot of people it’s really difficult to truly experience that they’re being loved by the Lord. I know, I was there. I know what it feels like to sing: “Jesus loves me yes I know”, but to wonder if it’s really true. These doubts can be caused by a few things. To name a few: a broken identity, rejection, perfectionism and pride. Actually all these things work together.
Don’t think that you will never be able to find this kind of security in Him. Remember that a lot of bondage and doubts have been dealt with by the time we reach chapter five in Song of Songs.
Only His
Right through Song of Songs we see the theme of doves eyes. The girl which represents the bride has only eyes for her beloved. She has a lifestyle of looking into His eyes. Doves’ eyes are not wandering. Someone with wandering eyes is always looking for something more exciting than their beloved. Spiritually it means that Jesus Christ is not our first love anymore. Anything that is more interesting than Him or anything that we spend more time on, compared to time in His presence, can cause our doves eyes to wander.
The start of her testimony, “My beloved”, also shows her commitment and consecration. Her whole life belongs to Him and to no other.
These are the ones who were not defiled with women, for they are virgins. These are the ones who follow the Lamb wherever He goes. (Rev 14:4)
‘The Bible under the arm’
This is a saying that we hear quite often. It is never used in a positive context, but always refers to someone that doesn’t live what they preach. It’s easy to quote Bible verses and to display an image of being a good Christian. But people are not stupid. Dishonesty and hypocrisy can be recognised from afar. And it pushes people away from Jesus.
The testimony of the girl in Song of Songs speaks of something totally different. Her life spoke first, long before she even opened her mouth. Her way of life was her first and most important testimony. Only when people can recognise Jesus Christ in our life, even though they might not be able to put a name to what they see, only then do we have the right to open our mouths to testify. Otherwise we bring dishonour to the Kingdom. Do I say that we may only testify when we are sorted and perfect? No, what I’m saying is that the way we live our life must confirm our words.
We are also included
My heart is that this message will make you excited about who the King is. He is not only the Son of God. He is not only the Lamb and Lion. He is not only the Truth and the Life. He is not only the Avenger or the High Priest. And so I can continue. We are still going to study all these facets and more.
But He is also MY BELOVED. I belong to Him. I can feel safe in His love for me. He doesn’t have a double heart. He cannot be untrue to His character, even though our eyes are still sometimes wandering. In that I find security. I only have to remain in Him, then He will be my Beloved for eternity.
“As the Father loved Me, I also have loved you; abide in My love. If you keep My commandments, you will abide in My love, just as I have kept My Father’s commandments and abide in His love. “These things I have spoken to you, that My joy may remain in you, and that your joy may be full. (Joh 15:9-11)
To listen to the introduction, as well as the Word I’ve received by the Holy Spirit concerning this series, please click here.
The audio version of this message is availalbe on our telegram channel: https://t.me/+1hYU7h46Jj1hZDc8
Part 1 – Who is the Bridegroom (background)
Part 2 – Who is your beloved?