More to learn about the eagle

24 November 2019 – Message from the Holy Sprit:

I am still teaching you about the eagle.  There are still so much to learn.

My eyes, yes, it searches for undivided hearts, focused on Me.  I do support them strongly, but I also dine with them.  I live within them through My Holy Spirit.  A life in the true Vine.

What does this mean?

It means that you will also receive My eyes.  Your eyes will start to see the wrong things in your life.  You will repent and clean up.  You will live a life of repentance and humble dependence on Me, where My eyes can show you through your eyes where you still need to die.

I’m searching for undivided hearts that is focused on Me.  Hearts that are not scared of the cross.  Hearts that will say: “Everything for You, nothing for myself anymore”.  Refined eyes.  Eyes like those of an eagle until you can also start to understand the rest of the characteristics of the eagle and make it your own.

There are still so much more to learn…
