Look up!

28 December 2019

We had an awesome privilege to spend the 25th of December in a nature reserve.  Being surrounded by the splendour of God’s creation, just connected my whole being to the Creator once again.

As it became quiet around me, it also became quiet within me.  Life can get so busy and my mind can get even busier.  For me, it’s a constant struggle and I have to remind myself just like David: “Be still my soul”.

We were climbing up the mountain and it was tough.  I’m not very fit and I could feel it.  As I was putting one foot in front of the other, ascending, I talked to myself to keep going: “I will stop to rest at the top”.

I was concentrating on my footing, looking down most of the time.  We were almost at the top when I heard Holy Spirit saying, “Look up”.

As I looked up, a new valley with a new mountain behind it appeared in sight.  The view was incredible.  In that moment, the presence of God was so overwhelming.



We can become so focused and entangled in our everyday spiritual activities.  We walk through life, looking down.  Watching our footing.  Making sure that we stay on the right path.  Making sure that we don’t slip and fall.  Watching out for deception.  Making sure that we don’t get hurt…

All of these are very necessary.

We have to watch our spiritual footing, lest we trip up and fall.  We have to ensure that we stay within the love boundaries of His commandments.  We have to watch for snares of the enemy.  We have to guard against deception.



We need to make Psalm 121 our own.

I will lift up my eyes to the hills—From whence comes my help? My help comes from the LORD, who made heaven and earth. 

Our reference to this Psalm is mostly in times of troubles.  This is true.  But there are much more to this Psalm.

While we are doing the ‘looking-down’ activities, our help is from God IN those activities.

We need to do both, the ‘gazing-up’ and the ‘looking-down’.

If we don’t gaze upon the splendour of the King, our looking down activities will just be motions.  Motions without power.

  • Then, if we watch our footing, it will become a religious duty.
  • Then, if we try to keep onto the path, we will not know the difference between the real path and the rest of them.  We will follow incorrect teachings and false leaders.
  • Then, if we try not to trip up and fall, we will not realise that our ankle is already caught in the enemy’s snare of counterfeit.
  • Then, if we try not to get hurt, we will be vulnerable.  We have walked out from under God’s divine protection.



David said:  I WILL lift my eyes.

He did not look upon the hills and saw troubles from which he needed deliverance.  He saw the splendour of God in the mountains and was empowered by Who God is.  He knew he was not dealing with a man, but with God.  That instils fear and wonder.

When we look up, the light of God’s truth is shining through our eyes into our being. 

This is when we get the ability and power to discern right from wrong.  This is when we are empowered to do the ‘looking-down’ activities with strength and wisdom.

We have to make time to lift our eyes to the hills and to see the King of Light and Truth.

Then, and only then, will verse 3 take effect: “He will not allow your foot to be moved”.

The order must be correct: 

  • Our eyes gaze upon the King
  • His truth and light shines through our eyes into our inner most being
  • We get empowered with wisdom and discernment
  • We look down to take the next step
  • We are watching for snares and dangers with our God-given wisdom
  • God protects our footing that we don’t slip

The process repeats and it becomes a lifestyle of dwelling in humble dependence on the Truth, the Light and the Way.

For behold, He who forms the mountains and creates the wind. And declares to man what are His thoughts, He who makes the dawn into darkness And treads on the heights of the earth– The LORD God of hosts is His name. (Amos 4:13)
