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Let him kiss me with the kisses of his mouth (Songs 1:2a NKJV)
There should be a day where each one of us move from a stranger to a daughter. This of course includes both genders. I’m using the term daughter because this is the term utilised in Song of Songs.
To move from a stranger to a daughter means we move from the street to the front garden of the palace. The only access is provided through the Blood of Lamb. Being born again and baptised; two steps of the same process. This is when the Father writes His laws on our innermost parts in order for us to live through the Spirit.
Then another day must come where we run from the front garden up the staircase towards the front door and call out this prayer: “I want more, deeper and closer”. This is what this verse means. We move from a position of daughter to beloved (or darling) and then later to bride (spouse).
The father kissed the prodigal son with a fatherly kiss that welcomed him back. Each person receives that kiss when we gain access to the garden of the palace through the Blood of the Lamb. This verse in Song of Songs doesn’t talk about that kind of kiss. This is a passionate kiss between two people in love. It’s personal and intimate.
When we ask for His kisses, we ask for a deeper walk with Him. We are no longer satisfied with nominal Christianity. Our spirit knows very well there is more and desires fervently to behold His loveliness. Because our spirit knows that there are deeper treasures in Him, we cannot be satisfied with mediocre.
The bride, which is represented by the girl in Song of Songs, asks for the very same thing that David wanted:
One thing I have asked of the Lord, and that I will seek: that I may dwell in the house of the Lord [in His presence] all the days of my life, to gaze upon the beauty [the delightful loveliness and majestic grandeur] of the Lord and to meditate in His temple. (Ps 27:4 Amp)
It’s such a pity that being reborn is the only testimony of a lot of daughters. And then this event happened thirty of fourty years ago! Some can maybe testify that they were baptised in the Holy Spirit. And if you are fortunate, you will hear one or two testimonies of healing and provision. But this is basically as far as it goes. Should you ask them who Jesus Christ is for them personally or how they apply their faith practically in their own lives, you will most probably hear a theoretical explanation. Or they might recall a message or sermon they’ve heard. For such people, a day-to-day practical relationship with YHVH Elohim might mean attending weekly gatherings and praying and reading their Bibles every day.
But where is the power?
Doesn’t the Scripture teach us in 1 Corinthians 4:20 that the kingdom is not based on talk but on power? Why do we see so little of it in the lives of most believers? It’s almost as if believers think, or maybe they’re taught, that this type of power and intimacy only belong to those in leadership positions.
Where is the evidence of God’s loveliness in the lives of most of His people?
Why do we see so much hardness devoid of love, criticism, religiosity, no peace and jealousy in the lives of believers? Can it be that the majority of those that claim to be in Christ, have never really met Him personally?
If we don’t seek His loveliness desperately, we’ll never have the privilege to gaze upon it. We are being changed in to that which we gaze upon. If we don’t gaze upon Jesus Christ, who are we gazing upon? What if it’s an image that we’ve formed for ourselves?
We will not be able to enjoy His loveliness if we don’t gaze upon it. Neither will we be transformed into His image.
I cannot help but wonder if all the hardness and strive that we experience in the church today, can be attributed to a distorted image of Jesus being held up for people to gaze upon.
And this brings me to the next question:
What does His kisses taste like?
When the Son of the living God answers your cry to His kisses with an intimate kiss, you will never be the same again. You cannot then just be nominal. His kiss fills us with an even deeper yearning for Him, for His heart and to truly know Him. The desire for oneness with Him overwhelms and captures us. He then becomes our reason for living. He and nothing and no-one else.
The moment when we taste the sweetness of His lips, He imparts His holiness to us. Anything other than the beauty of holiness will then repel us. Then, our lips just want to sing His praises.
His kiss also transfers love; godly love, for Him and for people. The more we yearn for Him and ask for deeper, the more we will receive these kisses from Him, which will lead to even greater holiness and love.
Once your lips touched the lips of the Messiah King, Jesus Christ, Yeshua HaMashiach, whatever Name you call Him, you will never be the same again.
You don’t need to wonder whether you’ve received this kiss or not. Just look inwards. Examine your desires. Does He capture your thoughts and whole live? Does your way of life and the fruits you produce looks similar to the rest of the church (the daughters) or does it look different? I love to use this analogy that I’ve heard from someone else. A small scooter that collided head on head with a huge tractor will never be the same again. This is the result of His kisses.
Always more kisses
Receiving His kisses is not a once-off event. The first time triggers our journey of deeper and closer. Thereafter, we will repeatedly ask for more of Him, deeper in Him and getting to know Him more. The more we know Him, the more we will realise how limited our capacity really is. And then we will return to this verse, right in the beginning of Song of Songs: ‘kiss me, I want to know You more’.
This is an extract from the book: Deep treasures in Song of Songs by Yolandie Mostert.