Is your spiritual nose blocked?

4 January 2020

By Yolandie Mostert

In the previous post (you can read it by clicking here), I’ve touched on spiritual discernment and how important it is to have a fully developed nose.

If you remember, in Song of Songs, the maiden’s nose was as big as a tower. That is the milepost.

Jesus warned us of deception in the last days.  We are living in the last hour and deception is rampant.  We were warned and must take heed.  Unfortunately, there are very little preaching on this subject in churches these days.


The biggest danger is to be misled. 

When you’re misled, you don’t know that you’re misled. 

If you don’t know and can’t see, how will you repent?  How will you be able to change your ways?

Be careful, therefore, that the light that is in you is not darkness. (Luke 11:35)


We need fully developed spiritual noses to smell deception.  It is called the gift of discernment of spirits.  However, we may have the gift, but can still end up with a gift that is not working properly (aka, a blocked nose)


So, what can cause a beautiful child of God’s spiritual nose to be rendered ineffective?


Main causes of blocked noses in believers:

  • Lack of knowledge of the Word of God.
  • Laziness to examine what the Word of God says.  It is easier to google someone else’s opinion and make it your own.
  • Not testing new revelations, teachings and thoughts against the Word of God.
  • Being blocked by the false holy spirit (also known as Kundalini).  This is a major cause that a lot of beautiful Christians suffers from.  It requires deliverance.
  • Peer pressure and opinions of other believers.  E.g. if all my friends from church follow a certain prophet’s teachings, then I go along without testing.
  • Lots of passion with very little wisdom.
  • Not understanding the difference between spirit and soul.
  • Searching for soul experiences and following emotions (feeling good, being the focus).
  • Too prideful to appreciate the simplicity of the Gospel.  We make it way too elaborate and complicated.
  • Gullible – believing everything pastors, prophets and teachers have to say.
  • Running after prophets and miracles in search of personal prophetic word.
  • A disobedient heart.  Sometimes we will feel the tug of the Holy Spirit who is warning us and we don’t listen.
  • Pressure of keeping the church entertained (need something new all the time).
  • Listening to all forms of ‘Christian’ music.  Some groups are totally misled and operate from a false place.
  • Worldly standards of prosperity and prestige.
  • Embracing teachings and practices that are based on Eastern religions.
  • Preferring sermons on grace and love above God’s truth and judgement.
  • Believing every thought comes from the Holy Spirit.


By no means is this a complete list, but it’s a good start for study purposes.  We’ll discuss some of them in future posts.


For false Christs and false prophets will arise, and they will provide signs and wonders in order to deceive, if [such a thing were] possible, even the elect [those God has chosen for Himself].  But be on your guard; I have told you everything in advance. (Mar 13:22-23 AMP) 


Are we on our guard?

Are we testing the spirits?

Are we using the Word of God as a plumb line?


Beloved, do not believe every spirit [speaking through a self-proclaimed prophet]; instead test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets and teachers have gone out into the world. (1 Jon 4:1 AMP) 


  • To admit we are wrong is one of the most difficult things to do.
  • It is awfully humbling to realise we were misled.
  • It’s sobering to realise that we are not as clever as we thought we were.


The longer I’m on this journey, the more I appreciate the necessity for repentance – earnest repentance in conjunction with finding our way back to the narrow path.

The narrow path is lonely, it’s difficult to travel on and only a few have found it.

A lot of children of God have moved from the narrow path to a highway of soulish teachings and experiences.  They don’t realise the danger, because they are misled. 

All of us need to examine our hearts and our ways.

Remember, it is humanly impossible to recognise deception and misleading in ourselves.  Through the grace of God, it is possible.  That is the true meaning of grace.

True sacrifice to God is a broken spirit. A broken and chastened heart, God, you will not despise.  (Ps 51:17)
