In the Name of Jesus?

There is a new tendency that doesn’t resonate very well with me.  That is using the phrase “In the Name of Jesus” like a magic wand that must produce instant results.

When questioning the practice, people will quote that Jesus Himself said that anything we will ask in His Name, will be granted to us (Paraphrased from John 16:23).

Let’s look at what it means to ask something in the name of another person.

We see in 1 Sam 25:5 that David sent men to Nabal and ordered them to greet Nabal in his name.

What are the keys here?

  • David sent the young men.
  • The men knew they were sent by David and not by another.
  • They knew exactly what their mission was.
  • They did not act out of their own will, but on instruction of the one that sent them.
  • When they greeted Nabal it was as if David himself was there greeting Nabal.
  • They were therefore acting for and on behalf of David completely within the will of David.

If we have to translate this into our language it will most probably sound like this:

  • God knows what he wants to achieve (as an example: bring physical healing to Anne’s body).
  • Through His Holy Spirit, that lives within us, he gives us an instruction to pray for Anne.
  • Because we can hear His voice, we know that we have to pray for Anne.
  • We know exactly what the mission is.
  • When we go to Anne’s house to pray for her, we know that we are in line with God’s will and we are not there on own accord.
  • When we lay hands on Anne’s body and pray for her, it will be as if God Himself lays His hands on her.
  • We will pray for her healing in the Name of Jesus, who sent us to pray for her.
  • We are acting on His behalf, according to His will.
  • God will hear our prayer and heal Anne because that is what He planned to do.

We cannot decide what we want and then ask for it in the Name of Jesus as if Jesus Himself is asking for it, when we have not first checked if our desires are in line with the will of the Father.  We have to be so careful not to fall into the ‘prosperity gospel’ and the ‘name it claim it’ traps.  It is dangerous ground and are based on the foundation of human rights which is not Godly, nor is it in line with God’s Word.

Our words, prayers, actions and desires must be aligned to the perfect will of the Father.  Only then, will we be able to pray ‘in the Name of Jesus’ and know that the Father will answer our prayers.

Father, give us the grace to understand and firmly grasp what Your will is and to pray and act accordingly. Amen (Eph 5:17)
