By Yolandie Mostert (June 2023)
His cheeks are like … banks of sweet, fragrant herbs. (Songs 5:13b)
This facet of the character of our King should fill us with excitement and adoration. He is truly unfathomable. His depths and richness will never be exhausted. We will never reach the point where we can say: now I know everything there is to know of God. Just when we start to think that we understand something because of the revelation of deeper depths by the Holy Spirit, we must confess like Agur in Proverbs 30:
I’ve yet to learn the wisdom that comes from the full and intimate knowledge of you, the Holy One. (Prov 30:3 TPT)
The banks or terraces in Song of Songs 5:13 speak of the different levels of depths of who He is and the sweet, fragrant herbs symbolises His richness and glory.
O how deep are God’s riches, and wisdom, and knowledge! How unfathomable are his decisions and unexplainable are his ways! (Rom 11:33)
In the book of Romans, after Paul explained the way to righteousness and salvation, he exclaimed in admiration these words. How wonderful are the ways of God? Who would’ve ever been able to think of something so wonderful and to execute it? Only the Almighty. The layers and layers of richness and glory will never be exhausted.
Many books are written that endeavours to explain God and His counsel. Without the leading and inspiration of the Holy Spirit, men will only get to the first terrace and will remain there. Head knowledge, theoretical treatises and theological papers will just stay that, theory and theology, without the revelation of the Spirit of God. The Holy Spirit is the One that probes all things, even the profoundest depths of God.
But God has revealed them to us through His Spirit. For the Spirit searches all things, yes, the deep things of God. (1 Cor 2:10)
We cannot only rely on the written Word without the inspiration of the Rhema. Even this series on who the Bridegroom is, will not contribute to our spiritual growth if the Holy Spirit doesn’t make it alive. We can know all the names of God from the top of our head. We can even know the names in Hebrew with their respective meanings. It’s all good and well, but to what benefit will it be if it’s not alive in our hearts?
Can we discover the depths of God?
There is truth in this question that one of Job’s unwise friends asked. This friend might not have been able to comprehend what was going on in Job’s life at that point in time, but at least he understood that no man can ever grasp the fullness of who God is. At the very least, not with flesh.
Can you discover the depths of God? Can you [by searching] discover the limits of the Almighty [ascend to His heights, extend to His widths, and comprehend His infinite perfection]? (Job 11:7)
I really want to encourage you to read or listen to every facet of who the Bridegroom is once more. Ask the Holy Spirit to bring life to the words so that your life will testify of experiential knowledge. When we truly know that we know, not with our mind, but with our spirit, that Jesus is the Conqueror, we will grow in authority and power. This is but one example. Another can be in terms of love; when we really know Him as love, we will not be able to not love ourselves. How will we be able to love one another when there is self-hate in our hearts. And so I can continue. Each revelation of who He is that becomes alive and real to us, represents the discovery of another terrace of His depths to enable us to grow into His image. We cannot hope to be transformed into an image that we cannot see or understand.
To answer the question of Job’s friend: ‘can a man discover the depths of God?’ … impossible for flesh. As long as we dwell in the outer court and play in the shallow waters, we will never be able to. Listen to the answer Jesus gave His disciples:
And the disciples came and said to Him, “Why do You speak to them in parables?” He answered and said to them, “Because it has been given to you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, but to them it has not been given. (Matt 13:10-11)
The degree of our desire and pursuit to truly know God, will determine into which category we’ll fall: those that are spoken to in parables or the few that may know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven. To the measure that we pursue Him, to that measure we will discover Him. We can even listen to this whole series and think to ourselves: ‘I know that He is love’ or ‘yes, this is nothing new, He is the judge’. Or we can declare like Agur: “Father, I’ve come to realise that I still haven’t learnt enough wisdom, I thought I knew You, but I realise that my journey to get to know You have only started”.
He will reveal Himself to us only when this becomes our reality and when we ask for deeper revelation. There are so many terraces available for discovery – deeper and deeper into His heart. Moving pass theory, pass theology; receiving revelation directly from the Holy Spirit that knows the depths of God. Listen to the words of Jesus to His disciples that received the revelation without parables. This can also be our portion and testimony.
But blessed are your eyes for they see, and your ears for they hear; for assuredly, I say to you that many prophets and righteous men desired to see what you see, and did not see it, and to hear what you hear, and did not hear it. (Matt 13:16-17)
His ways and His deeds
We find deep insight in Psalm 103 verse 7.
He made known His ways to Moses, His acts to the children of Israel. (Ps 103:7)
The children of Israel remained at the foot of the mountain. Only miracles were able to satisfy them, even better when the miracles were to their advantage. The Lord revealed to them His mighty deeds, in other words his miracles. But to Moses He revealed His ways. The terraces of His depths include His ways, His order, His plans – these are the things that He wants to reveal to us. Our eyes will also see the miracles and mighty deeds, but that doesn’t encompass the fullness of who He is. The Bridegroom wants to share the workings of His Kingdom, His heart for His creation, His plans for the current age, the thousand year of peace and for eternity with His faithful bride.
When will we come out of the shallow waters and take possession of the fullness of our inheritance in Him – the terraces of His glory and knowledge?
Love is necessary
The cheeks of the Bridegroom were described in both this facet as well as the previous one. The first description of His cheeks led us to His love. Without love we won’t be able to discover the fullness of Him. All the knowledge in the world will not be to any benefit, without abundant love flowing freely from us. Knowledge of the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven means nothing without love.
And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, but have not love, I am nothing. (1 Cor 13:2)
May each one of us grow in His love. I really believe that deeper revelation of who He is, depends on the measure of our love. And actually it’s for our own good. We will become prideful if we receive amazing revelations and insight into spiritual mysteries without love. And pride leads to destruction. In such case, it would’ve been better for our spiritual well-being to have rather heard parables and prayed for insight.
Who is like You among the gods, O LORD? Who is like You, majestic in holiness, Awesome in splendour, working wonders? (Ex 15:11)
Who is like You, our King and Bridegroom? How lovely are the terraces of Your richness and glory. My spirit within yearns to know You in Your fullness. Bring life to my knowledge of who You are and give me grace to worship every part of your character.
My prayer is… that we may come to know [practically, through personal experience] the love of Christ which far surpasses [mere] knowledge [without experience], that you may be filled up [throughout your being] to all the fullness of God [so that you may have the richest experience of God’s presence in your lives, completely filled and flooded with God Himself]. (Eph 3:19)
To listen to the introduction, as well as the Word I’ve received by the Holy Spirit concerning this series, please click here.
The audio version of this message is availalbe on our telegram channel:
Part 1 – Who is the Bridegroom (background)
Part 2 – Who is your beloved?
Part 3 – He is my beloved
Part 4 – Hy is Light
Part 5 – Hy is Holy
Part 6 – Hy is the Warrior and Avenger
Part 7 – He is the Conqueror
Part 8 – He is the Head
Part 9 – The Set-Apart One
Part 10 – He is Unchanging
Part 11 – He is the Zealous One
Part 12 – He is the Judge
Part 13 – He is Love