By Yolandie Mostert (August 2023)
Yes, he is altogether lovely (Songs 5:16b)
The young girl, representing the bride of Jesus is still busy testifying to the daughters of Jerusalem. Verse 16 is the pinnacle of her description. Every facet described so far was from a personal view. No word was uttered from a theoretical background. She has tasted and has come to know each facet to a greater or lesser extent. Of course we will never be able to reach the fullness and depth of who Jesus is. Yet, she has seen enough of each facet to love Him even more.
Every description up to now was specific; we were able to recognise the symbolism and the facet it represented. But now it’s almost as if she becomes breathless. The more she describes His awesomeness, the more she finds that her words fail. There are simply not enough words to describe Jesus Christ.
I can just picture how her voice gains speed and intensity with each facet. By the time she reaches verse 16, she is breathless. There are no more words left to describe His beauty. Just to talk about Him, should fill us with the same excitement. I’m thinking of the words of the queen of Sheba when she praised king Solomon. We read that she was breathless and awed after she saw and heard everything.
And when the queen of Sheba had seen all the wisdom of Solomon, the house that he had built, the food on his table, the seating of his servants, the service of his waiters and their apparel, his cupbearers, and his entryway by which he went up to the house of the LORD, there was no more spirit in her. Then she said to the king: “It was a true report which I heard in my own land about your words and your wisdom. However I did not believe the words until I came and saw with my own eyes; and indeed the half was not told me. Your wisdom and prosperity exceed the fame of which I heard. (1 Kings 10:4-7)
If this was her reaction after she met an earthly king, how much more must ours be when we really get to know Jesus Christ intimately. There should be no more spirit left in us as well. Words will fail and His awesomeness will leave us breathless.
Listen to Psalm 45’s first two verses from the Passion Translation. I’m sharing this because it speaks to my heart. Personally I don’t view the Passion Translation as a Bible translation in the true sense of the word. It’s like the name of the books says: a passionate way to describe Scriptures. It will never be a pure translation, but it does serve a purpose as supplementary material. I just wanted to clarify that.
My heart is on fire, boiling over with passion. Bubbling up within me are these beautiful lyrics as a lovely poem to be sung for the King. Like a river bursting its banks, I’m overflowing with words, spilling out into this sacred story. Beautiful! Beautiful! Beyond the sons of men! Elegant grace pours out through every word you speak. Truly God has anointed you, his favored one, for eternity! (Ps 45:1-2 TPT)
Does your spirit jump with pleasure when you hear these words? Does this describe how you feel about Jesus Christ, the King and Bridegroom? A heart on fire, boiling over with passion? Does your spirit overflow with: ‘beautiful, beautiful, beyond the sons of men!’. Are you aware of your limited capacity to contain His glory? He overwhelms us with His beauty and glory. He saturates and captures us and we cannot get enough of Him. I’m not describing a goosebump moment or an experience of the soul. I’m talking about the deepest place of our spirit that cannot be satisfied with anything else except Jesus Himself.
This is what the verse in Song of Songs describes: ‘He is altogether lovely’. No one can satisfy us the way that Jesus does. Once we have tasted His sweet mouth of deep intimate friendship, the world with its desires, ambitions and dreams will never look the same again. He changes our outlook, our needs and our wants. It’s like the old hymn: ‘Take the whole world, but give me Jesus’. We use to sing these words so casually around camp fires: ‘Take the whole world…’.
Among the gods there is none like You, O Lord; Nor are there any works like Your works. (Ps 86:8)
I want to share a striking story I’ve heard. I love to tell it because of the underlying lesson, so please pardon me if you have heard it before. You will most probably hear it a few more times.
A driver of a small scooter arrived at the police station to give his statement regarding an accident he was involved in. He tells about driving on the highway on his scooter and colliding head-on with a huge tractor. The continues to tell how he got up, picked up his scooter and drove on. The policeman looked at the guy and saw that he was dressed neatly, his hair was combed and he didn’t even have one scrape.
No-one would’ve blamed the policeman for not believing the driver’s story. It’s physically impossible for a small scooter to collide with a large tractor and be unharmed. Anyone that crashed into something as large as a tractor will never be the same again.
It’s the same when we truly get to know Jesus Christ personally. It’s impossible to ever be the same again. No man can come near to someone as great and awesome as Jesus and not change. Change is fruit that we must seek, firstly in our own lives and then in the lives of others. Can we recognise true change that remain?
Change doesn’t just happen once when we are reborn. It’s a constant process as we walk daily in close friendship with Him. The more we become overwhelmed by His loveliness, the more we are changed into that same loveliness.
Out of Zion, the perfection of beauty, God will shine forth. (Ps 50:2)
Lord Jesus, I pray for every person that reads or listen to this message. May we be just as perfect in beauty as Zion in order for Your light to shine forth. May we be never satisfied with mediocre, while You are altogether lovely. Overwhelm and capture us until our whole being are saturated with Your loveliness.
To listen to the introduction, as well as the Word I’ve received by the Holy Spirit concerning this series, please click here.
The audio version of this message is availalbe on our telegram channel:
Part 1 – Who is the Bridegroom (background)
Part 2 – Who is your beloved?
Part 3 – He is my beloved
Part 4 – Hy is Light
Part 5 – Hy is Holy
Part 6 – Hy is the Warrior and Avenger
Part 7 – He is the Conqueror
Part 8 – He is the Head
Part 9 – The Set-Apart One
Part 10 – He is Unchanging
Part 11 – He is the Zealous One
Part 12 – He is the Judge
Part 13 – He is Love
Part 14 – He is Unfathomable
Part 15 – Hy is the High Priest
Part 16 – He is the Creator
Part 17 – He is the Lamb of God
Part 18 – He is the Son of YHVH
Part 19 – The is the Eternal One
Part 20 – He is the Truth
Part 21 – He is Worthy
Part 22 – He is the Bridegroom