‘n Binneste in beroering

Deur Yolandie Mostert (22 Maart 2023)   Hgl 5:4  My beminde het sy hand deur die deuropening gesteek; toe het my binneste oor hom in beroering gekom   Die Ou King James sê dit baie letterlik: and my bowels were moved for him. Dis vir my die mooiste en sterkste manier om die aksie en gevoel […]

Oppad na die wierookheuwel

Ek deel graag my nuutste skildery sowel as die geestelike betekenis van die skildery met julle. Die skildery se naam is “Myself, as ‘n offer”. Totdat die aandwind waai en die skaduwees vlug, sal ek gaan na die mirreberg en na die wierookheuwel. Alles is mooi aan u, my vriendin, en daar is geen gebrek […]

Dieper skatte in Hooglied

Deur Yolandie Mostert (6 October 2022) ‘n Terugblik Sedert die eerste druk van my boek: ‘Hooglied – die opwindende reis van bruidwees” in 2019, het baie water in die see geloop. Soveel nuwe lesse is geleer, verskillende seisoene is deurleef en dieper skatte is ontdek. Daar was soveel kere wat ek gewens het ek kon […]

Pitjie vir pitjie

Deur Yolandie Mostert (2 Oktober 2022) ‘n Statige ritueel Om ‘n granaat te eet, is amper soos ‘n statige ritueel vir my. Eers neem ek my skerppuntmes en druk ‘n klein gaatjie naby die kroon. Net groot genoeg om my vinger te kan inpas. Daarna begin ek om die granaat stadig oop te breek tot […]

Under the Apple Tree

By Yolandie Mostert on 15 March 2020   Song of Songs is such a practical book.  We can truly apply its lessons and principles in our daily lives.  These past 2 weeks I’ve been totally overwhelmed by everything that must be done.  I’ve longed to spend more time with God and could feel my reserves […]

His banner over me is love

2 February 2020 by Yolandie Mostert (Scroll down for the message in Afrikaans) ENGLISH: Do you realise that there is a banner over you?  It is My love that encloses you.  When you stay within My love, you will remain under the banner.  Under the banner, you will find My favour, My protection and My […]

What is in the water?

July 2019 – Word from the Holy Spirit   Where is the water in your garden coming from?  Where is the origin? Is it coming from a place of light, pure and clean?  A holy place? Or is it coming from a place of dirtiness, darkness, slime, slander, gossip or hate?   Whatever is in […]

Can you smell?

21 December 2019 Today I want to write about something that is really close to my heart. To have a spiritually well-developed nose. The book of Song of Songs describes it as a nose like a tower looking into the direction of Damascus. Paul gives it another name in 1 Corinthians 12 – the gift […]


I charge you, O daughters of Jerusalem, By the gazelles or by the does of the field, Do not stir up nor awaken love Until it pleases. (Son 2:7)  Do you also love nature?  For me, it is one of the places where the Lords glory is just so visible in a practical and consistent way. […]

Pomegranate pips

It is in him that all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge are hidden. (Col 2:3)  I just love the look and taste of pomegranates.  I have literally hundreds of photos of pomegranates just waiting to become a painting.  One of these days I will get to them all (by the way, that’s what I […]
