Audio en PDF weergawe beskikbaar op Telegram: Salomo het die pragtige boek Hooglied soveel eeue gelede geskryf. Deur die inspirasie van die Heilige Gees, het hy sonder dat hy dit besef het, glo ek, die mooiste en diepste simboliek in die storie ingeweef. Hoe kon hy geweet het dat die Bruidegom-Koning eintlik besig […]
Audio and PDF versions are available on Telegram:–efsVRNXn40N2I0 Song of Songs as a visual story Recently, the Holy Spirit started to reveal treasures in Song of Songs in visual or pictorial format. It shouldn’t be surprising since Song of Songs was initially written as a theater play. It is much easier for a reader […]
Audio and PDF versions are available on Telegram:–efsVRNXn40N2I0 These two Bible books, Revelation and Song of Songs, are very closely related to each other. Both contains rich symbolism and requires revelation knowledge from the Holy Spirit for understanding. The Bridegroom We have been indoctrinated for many years to view the book of Revelation […]
Audio and PDF versions are available on Telegram:–efsVRNXn40N2I0 Solomon has written the beautiful book, Song of Songs, so many years ago. Without even realising it, the Holy Spirit inspired him to weave deep and beautiful truths into the story. How could he have known that the Bridegroom King was busy writing a love letter […]
Audio and PDF versions are available on Telegram:–efsVRNXn40N2I0 A theatre play Solomon wrote the book Song of Songs as a play intended for theatrical performance. Keep this in mind when you read through the book. Imagine the stage, the characters, the background music and the décor. You will find four different sections in the […]
Audio and PDF versions are available onTelegram: A lot of time has passed since the printing of my book in 2019: ‘Song of Songs – the exciting bridal journey’. New lessons were learnt, I’ve lived through various seasons and I’ve discovered deeper treasures. How many times have I wished that I could’ve included […]
Audio en PDF weergawe beskikbaar op Telegram: ‘n Teaterstuk Salomo het Hooglied as ‘n teaterstuk geskryf. Hou dit in gedagte wanneer jy deur die boek werk. Stel jouself die verhoog, die karakters, die agtergrondmusiek en die dekor voor. Daar is vier verskillende afdelings in die boek en tussen elke afdeling sak die gordyn. […]
Audio en PDF weergawe beskikbaar op Telegram: Sedert die eerste druk van my boek: ‘Hooglied – die opwindende reis van bruidwees” in 2019, het baie water in die see geloop. Soveel nuwe lesse is geleer, verskillende seisoene is deurleef en dieper skatte is ontdek. Daar was soveel kere wat ek gewens het ek […]
Deur Yolandie Mostert (10 Oktober 2023) Audio beskikbaar op telegram: Agtergrond en inligting: Ek deel hierdie omdat nie almal altyd die geografie en politiek in die Midde-Ooste verstaan nie. En hiermee maak ek geensins aanspraak dat ek ‘n kenner is nie. Inteendeel. Ek hou maar net dop, probeer om die geografie en politiek te […]
28 September 2023, by Yolandie Mostert This is a very special year for us at Lighuis. Before every feast, we pray and ask the Holy Spirit to show us how He wants us to celebrate each specific feast. We don’t follow any traditional or Jewish customs. Only that which Scripture teaches and whatever instructions […]