Is your spiritual nose blocked?

4 January 2020 By Yolandie Mostert In the previous post (you can read it by clicking here), I’ve touched on spiritual discernment and how important it is to have a fully developed nose. If you remember, in Song of Songs, the maiden’s nose was as big as a tower. That is the milepost. Jesus warned […]

Look up!

28 December 2019 We had an awesome privilege to spend the 25th of December in a nature reserve.  Being surrounded by the splendour of God’s creation, just connected my whole being to the Creator once again. As it became quiet around me, it also became quiet within me.  Life can get so busy and my […]

What is in the water?

July 2019 – Word from the Holy Spirit   Where is the water in your garden coming from?  Where is the origin? Is it coming from a place of light, pure and clean?  A holy place? Or is it coming from a place of dirtiness, darkness, slime, slander, gossip or hate?   Whatever is in […]

Can you smell?

21 December 2019 Today I want to write about something that is really close to my heart. To have a spiritually well-developed nose. The book of Song of Songs describes it as a nose like a tower looking into the direction of Damascus. Paul gives it another name in 1 Corinthians 12 – the gift […]

More to learn about the eagle

24 November 2019 – Message from the Holy Sprit: I am still teaching you about the eagle.  There are still so much to learn. My eyes, yes, it searches for undivided hearts, focused on Me.  I do support them strongly, but I also dine with them.  I live within them through My Holy Spirit.  A […]

In the Name of Jesus?

There is a new tendency that doesn’t resonate very well with me.  That is using the phrase “In the Name of Jesus” like a magic wand that must produce instant results. When questioning the practice, people will quote that Jesus Himself said that anything we will ask in His Name, will be granted to us […]

What Is In Your Heart

Word from the Holy Spirit on 2 November 2019: “My eyes scrutinise the heart of man to see if there is someone with an undivided heart, focused on Me.  I look into places where people cannot can see.  I search the rooms of man’s heart. What is in your heart?  Is there pride? Is there […]

Eagle Eyes

From the beginning of Genesis, God has revealed Himself to people by His Name and by pictures. His glory and might is so vast, we will never be able to grasp the fullness of it.  Because He knows our weaknesses, He has chosen to use things that we are familiar with to reveal His character […]


I charge you, O daughters of Jerusalem, By the gazelles or by the does of the field, Do not stir up nor awaken love Until it pleases. (Son 2:7)  Do you also love nature?  For me, it is one of the places where the Lords glory is just so visible in a practical and consistent way. […]

Pomegranate pips

It is in him that all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge are hidden. (Col 2:3)  I just love the look and taste of pomegranates.  I have literally hundreds of photos of pomegranates just waiting to become a painting.  One of these days I will get to them all (by the way, that’s what I […]
