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A theatre play
Solomon wrote the book Song of Songs as a play intended for theatrical performance. Keep this in mind when you read through the book. Imagine the stage, the characters, the background music and the décor. You will find four different sections in the book separated by the drawing of a curtain.
When you read this verse, you will know that the curtain was drawn:
I charge you, O daughters of Jerusalem, by the gazelles or by the does of the field, do not stir up nor awaken love until it pleases.
Progressive cycles
Just like you will find a storyline in a normal play, you will find one in Song of Songs. The story begins with a yearning for more and ends with a deep fulfilment. Initially I thought that the progression was a linear line from bottom left to top right. Just like a graph that indicates a systematic constant growth.
Now I know it doesn’t work that way. There is progression, but we will always circle back to certain sections and mileposts. We will grow up until a point and then the test of obedience might repeat itself. Or just when we think that we now have some understanding, then we yearn once again for even deeper kisses and it will feel like we don’t know anything. The best way that I can explain it graphically is by using a spring that is stretched out from bottom left to top right as an example. The general direction indicates growth, but there are these circle motions within the line of growth.
Each verse in the Bible contains many layers of meaning and depth. The same in Song of Songs. There are some wonderful marriage courses based on Song of Songs. It’s good and right. That represents one of the levels. The second level is the relationship between God and the physical Israel. A third level is between Jesus and the ecclesia (the church). All three these levels are valid. But this book concentrates on the fourth level – the relationship between Jesus and His end time bride.
Whenever I refer to the young girl, place yourself in that character. Each person that walks in an intimate relationship with YHVH Elohim (Father, Son and Holy Spirit) is represented by the young girl in Song of Songs.
Song of Songs is for men and woman
One thing that we could clearly see these past four years, is the hesitance that men have for Song of Songs. I’m not sure if it’s the concept of being bride that some men just find too much or if it has anything to do with the feminine approach in the symbolism. It’s a pity, because men also need the enrichment that Song of Songs offer in their growth toward spiritual maturity.
There is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus. (Gal 3:28b).
Both genders must grow to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ, a perfect man (Eph 4:13). This means that we have to grow from being a spiritual baby to a spiritual mature person. This process of maturing will continue until we reach the same level of maturity of Jesus.
Both genders, male and female, are included in the bride. The Lord uses the love relationship between an engaged couple to demonstrate the relationship between Jesus and His bride in a manner that we can relate to.
Both male and female must grow to be a mature perfect man and all, male and female, must grow to be the mature bride of Christ. The result is the same – maturity, just explained in two different ways.
The wedding feast
When the Lord explains spiritual concepts to us, He always uses something that we can relate to. This is the reason that Jesus used parables. One of the comparisons to the kingdom of heaven is a wedding feast. We read of this in Matthew 22. The Father arranges a wedding for His Son. Those invited were full of excuses and others were then also invited. No-one will be able to claim that they didn’t receive an invitation. At the end of the parable we see that the guests at the wedding must also be dressed in the appropriate garments. These are the guests that will attend the wedding and must also be clothed in righteousness.
Who is the bride?
Two great lies are being preached in many churches today. The first lie is that every single person that grew up in a Christian home and that was taught that Jesus is the Saviour of the world, is automatically saved. The second lie is that every person that said a quick prayer to invite Jesus in, is saved and will form part of the bride. Both of these are lies fabricated in hell. People are being lulled into a spiritual sleep of which few wake up from.
The Bible gives us a plumbline to determine whether or not we are in Christ. We find it in 1 John 2:3-6. Two requirements are listed. Firstly we are to keep His commandments and His words. Secondly, we have to ensure that we are growing to a mature kind of love. If we claim to be in Him, our life should reflect His life in everything we do.
Not everyone that says ‘Lord, Lord’ will be saved. Jesus taught us this in Matthew 7:21-22. It will only be the ones doing His will. We can expel demons in the Name and authority of Jesus and it will count for nothing if we don’t abide in Him.
There will be guests at the wedding feast of the Lamb and then there will be the bride. The bride is those walking in an intimate love relationship with the Bridegroom. She lives a Shama-lifestyle. This means to listen first-hand to Him and to react in obedience. To listen and obey.
The bride is the wife of the Lamb; the one who made herself ready (Rev 19:7). This process of making ready is on-going and will not be done on our behalf. Each one of us have the responsibility to react in love, obedience and worship on the very expensive price that the Bridegroom, Jesus Christ, paid.
A coded love letter
I had a boyfriend when I was still in school and we wrote the most adorable love letters to each other. Many of them were coded. Certain numbers represented certain letters. For example, when we wrote 1-4-3, it meant I-LOVE-YOU. Song of Songs works exactly the same. The Bridegroom, through the Holy Spirit, inspired Solomon to write a love letter for His bride. The reason for the coded language is so that only the two of them would be able to understand it.
All we now need, is to unravel the codes. The moment when we have the keys to unlock the symbolism, we can read and understand the letter.
Deeper layers
The love letter from our Bridegroom contains so many layers that I don’t think we’ll ever reach the fullness. My heart is to place the basic keys in your hands in order for you to unlock the symbolism yourself. Once you grasp the basic symbolism, the Holy Spirit will continue to reveal the deeper layers to you.
The difference between the two books
In my first Song of Songs book I endeavoured to explain the basic keys in order for people to understand the book in its whole. Ever since, I have discovered new truths and the Holy Spirit revealed deeper treasures to me. Because many people will not read the two books consecutively, I am going to explain the basic symbolism of each verse again. Thereafter I will go deeper and share new word on each verse.
Should I’ve decided to combine ‘Deeper truths’ into one book, it would’ve resulted in a very thick book which would’ve taken a long time to complete. Therefore I’ve decided to divide the book into shorter volumes. This enables me to share the first volumes while I’m completing the rest of the book. ‘Deeper truths’ is available in printed format as well as shorter audio and transcribed messages for free reading, listing and downloading.
The characters
Each play consists of main and supporting characters. It’s the same in Song of Songs.
The two main characters are the Bridegroom and His bride. She is referred to as His darling, His fair one and the fairest among women. Later on, as she is maturing, He calls her His sister and spouse.
In chapter 6 verse 9, we can see the difference between her and the daughters.
My dove, my perfect one, is the only one, the only one of her mother, the favorite of the one who bore her. the daughters saw her and called her blessed, the queens and the concubines, and they praised her.
This brings us to the supporting characters: the daughters and the watchmen.
The daughters are those within the church, but that haven’t started the walk of a deep intimate friendship. They are not just name-Christians, but they also don’t live a Shama-lifestyle in Him. They are the guests at the wedding.
The watchmen are those in spiritual leadership positions that must guard the souls of those placed under their care.