Joh 1:5 And the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it.
He answered
Audio and PDF versions are available on Telegram:–efsVRNXn40N2I0 “Take me with you. We will run after you.” The king has brought me into his rooms. We will be glad and rejoice for you. We will praise your love more than wine. How right it is for them to love you! (Songs 1:4) This […]
Hy antwoord
Audio en PDF weergawe beskikbaar op Telegram: Trek my agter u aan, laat ons gou maak! Die koning het my in sy binnekamers gebring. Ons wil juig en ons in u verheug, ons wil u liefde prys meer as wyn. Met reg het hulle u lief. (Hgl 1:4) Hierdie vers het soveel lae […]
The most beautiful Name
Audio and PDF versions are available on Telegram:–efsVRNXn40N2I0 Your anointing oils have a wonderful fragrance; your name is like anointing oil poured out. This is why young women love you (Songs 1:3 CJB) There are three sections in this verse to examine. Firstly we find a reference to the loveliness of the anointing of […]
Die mooiste Naam
Audio en PDF weergawe beskikbaar op Telegram: U salf is aangenaam van geur, u naam is soos salf wat uitgegiet is; daarom het die jonkvroue u lief. (Hgl 1:3) Hierdie vers het drie gedeeltes wat ons moet ondersoek. Eerstens verwys dit na die aangenaamheid van die Bruidegom se salwing. Tweedens word die […]